
News & Information

Beer Can Success

One of the best things about my job is hearing from readers and viewers–especially about their barbecue triumphs. So I hope Joerg Grau won’t mind if I show off the spectacular beer can chickens he kindly emailed to my attention.

I have been a big fan of yours ever since I bought the original Barbecue Bible some 4 or 5 years ago. I have bought all your other barbecue books and love them all. I have even combined forces with a friend of mine and we have made multiple rubs and spice mixes out of the Barbecue Bible Rubs, Spices and Sauces book and then divided them up.
Today I attempted my first two beer can chickens. After having wowed guests for years with perfectly grilled Steaks I now wowed my in-laws and myself with unbelievably succulent and delicious beer can chicken (or in my case Coke can chicken). I made two different variations (Dr. Pepper with the recipe Barbecue Rub, and lemon water and a lemon pepper rub) on the same old beat up Gas grill and they were just delicious. I have attached two images of my tandem, still on the grill.
Happy 4th and THANK you for the barbecue inspiration you have provided over the last 5 years.
Joerg Grau
Atlanta, GA