Steven Raichlen's Planet Barbecue
Steven Raichlen’s Planet Barbecue® Episode 105: Mexi-que
Elsewhere in Latin America, grill masters make a virtue of simplicity (think salt only–grilled steaks of Argentina and Uruguay). But Mexicans build layer upon layer of flavor—marinating meats in recados (spice pastes) and adobos (chile and vinegar marinades), wrapping and grilling them in aromatic leaves, and searing them over hardwood fires. Introducing three spectacular Mexican grill specialties.
Featured Recipe
Grilled Swordfish with Salsa Macha
You might call this peanut butter swordfish. You’d be doing it a great injustice. Yes, toasted peanuts figure prominently in the salsa, but so do two classic Mexican chiles and vampire-defying doses of garlic. But don’t take my word for it. The New York Times called salsa macha an “indispensable condiment.” Serve with all manner of grilled seafood and poultry.
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