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The Smokers and Grills of Project Smoke, Season 2

The Smokers and Grills of Project Smoke, Season 2

Since Season 2 of Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke began airing in late May on American Public Television, we’ve been inundated with requests for information about the smokers and grills we used on the show. We’re very proud of this gallery, folks. Yeah, it’s sort of like going to barbecue heaven.

SR with Bradley Season 2-480

Bradley Electric Smoker: Smoked Chocolate Bread Pudding. Shrimp and Corn Chowder. Tangerine Flans. These are just a few of the dishes we smoked in this incredibly versatile electric smoker designed and manufactured by the Bradley family near Vancouver, British Colombia. Thermostatic heat control allows you to set the temperature to the precise degree; a wide range of “bisquettes” (compressed sawdust disks) enable you to smoke with fuels from cherry to alder to whiskey barrel wood. www.bradleysmoker.com

SR with Memphis Season 1-480

Memphis Wood Fire Grill: Think of the handsome sleek stainless steel Memphis as the Tesla of pellet grills. Sophisticated electronics control cooking temperatures and smoke output, and can even check the doneness of your reverse-seared tri-tip or turkey. Besides the convenience, my favorite feature is a removable burn chamber cover plate that allows you to direct grill over the pellet fire. www.memphisgrills.com

Komodo Kamado

Komodo Kamado: This is far and away the best (and the most beautiful) kamado-style ceramic cooker we’ve used. Made from refractory cement originally developed for NASA, this cooker is so airtight, so heat-efficient that we got 72 hours of smoking on one load of charcoal. Not that we needed that much time for our delectable Honey Ham Ribs or Macadamia Mango Crisp. As company founder Dennis Linkletter notes, it’s not for everyone; it’s not meant to be. www.komodokamado.com

Kalamazoo Gaucho with meat-480

Kalamazoo: Speaking of luxury vehicles, the new wood-fired Gaucho Grill costs only slightly less than a new car, but when it comes to rugged beauty and performance, it’s worth every penny. Grilling with wood gives you a different flavor than smoking with wood—a smoke fragrance, to be sure, but with a fiery sear that preserves the pristine flavor of the meat. Cape Town Lamb got the royal treatment on this regal Argentinean-style grill. www.kalamazoogourmet.com

Steven Raichlen with Pit Barrel Cooker on the set of Project Smoke

Pit Barrel Cooker: The “PBC,” as it’s affectionately called by its legions of fans, does it all: smoking, grilling, roasting. Designed and manufactured by entrepreneur Noah Glanville, it’s equally remarkable for its high performance and reasonable price. Mercifully free of moving parts, the PBC holds a steady temperature without the usual vents or airflow mechanisms. www.pitbarrelcooker.com

SR with Yoder Season 2-480

Yoder Smokers: You can literally kick the tires on this monster competition-style trailer smoker. An integrated heat management system gives the pit master unequalled control across the commodious cooking surface. Whether you’re chasing points on the competition circuit or just love to feed a crowd, this mobile behemoth is guaranteed to impress even before you fire it up. www.yodersmokers.com

Nordic Ware Season 2-480

Nordic Ware Indoor/Outdoor Kettle Smoker: Apartment and condo dwellers will appreciate this compact indoor/outdoor cooker; it can be used on a stovetop burner or on an outdoor grill. Simply put 1 or 2 tablespoons of wood smoking chips in the bottom, replace the water pan and the smoking rack, top with the dome-shaped cover, and add heat. A built-in thermometer helps you monitor temperature. Also doubles as a conventional roaster. Just wait until you taste our NOLA barbecue shrimp on this baby. www.nordicware.com

Bacon on GrillGrates-480

GrillGrates: Though technically not a grill or smoker, GrillGrates improve the functionality and effectiveness of any grill. The innovative three-dimensional design evens out hot and cold spots, prevents flare-ups, and gives you killer grill marks. Designed to fit on a variety of grills—gas, pellet, charcoal, kamado-style cookers, etc. We used our GrillGrates to make candied bacon, grilled sangria, and more. www.grillgrate.com

SR with Xtreme Season 2-480

The Smoke ’n’ Fire Xtreme Smoker: We loved this rugged smoker that turns the traditional offset barrel smoker design on its head. The fire chamber has been expanded and positioned next to (not on the side of) the smoke chamber. The result? A cooker that serves equally well for low and slow smoking and high-fire direct grilling. www.smokenfire.com

Weber Smokey Mountain with food-480

Weber Smokey Mountain: This upright water barrel smoker—we affectionately refer to it as “R2D2” on the set because of its bullet-like shape—is an easy and affordable way to enjoy smokehouse flavor at home. Among other things, we made Lemon Sesame Chicken Wings on it. A great entry-level smoker that won’t take up much space on your deck or patio. www.weber.com

Weber Kettle Grill: The Weber kettle grill, introduced in 1952, was inspired by a marine buoy but became America’s first widely available grill suited to backyard smoking. (Tip: For low slow smoking, set up the grill for indirect grilling and use only half the normal amount of charcoal.) This is my personal “desert” isle grill. Or maybe I should say “dessert” isle grill: on the set, we used this iconic grill to smoke Ice Cream with Rum Raisin Sauce. www.weber.com


DCS by Fisher and Paykel: Well known in the commercial kitchen appliance industry, DCS also makes sleek-looking stainless steel backyard gas grills in a variety of sizes. Great for outdoor kitchens. A rotisserie adds versatility and the dedicated smoker box puts out plenty of smoke. We fired it up for breakfast to make a smoky mile high pancake. www.dcsgrills.com

Handheld Smoker-Raichlen-480

PolyScience Smoking Gun: Incredulity. That was the expression on the crew’s faces when I unholstered this pistol-shaped handheld smoker and used it to pump wood smoke into a Mezcalini cocktail. Load the smoke chamber with hardwood sawdust, then light it and switch on the blower fan. The rubber smoker hose directs the cold smoke to any glass, pitcher, bar shaker, food-filled bowl, or bell jar you desire. www.polyscienceculinary.com


Aladin Super Smoker: Capable of burning sawdust or wood chips, this handsome handheld smoker and atomizer is definitely an attention-grabber. We used it on the set to add an alluring smoky flavor to a Dragon’s Breath cocktail. www.koerner-co.com

Click here to see the smoker and grills of Project Smoke, Season 1.
