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Soup on the Grill? Believe It. Here’s How to Do It Right.

Soup on the grill

Call it a culinary conundrum. Call it the last food you think to cook on a grill.

Yes, the very idea of soup on the grill might seem crazy (not to mention a physical impossibility), but some of my all-time favorite soups are the ones kissed by fire and smoke.

Soup on the Grill

If you happened to be watching my Project Smoke show on PBS (and if you didn’t, you can watch it here.), you may have seen me smoke tomatoes, peppers, onions, and cucumbers to make a soup we serve all summer at my house: smoked gazpacho.

And if you happened to be watching my Barbecue University® show, you may have seen my grilled corn chowder. One spoonful will make you a believer.

If you own my How to Grill Vegetables book (if you don’t, you should), perhaps you’ve tried Nancy’s salmorejo—a smoked chilled Spanish tomato and bread soup created by Barbecuebible.com editor Nancy Loseke.

How to Grill Vegetables

And speaking of tomatoes, if you pull out your copy of The Barbecue Bible (yours is probably as beat up as mine is), on page 91, you’ll find a recipe for an amazing fire-charred tomato and ancho chili soup.

Which is to say that soup very definitely has a place on your grill or smoker. Indeed, smoke and fire can make a good soup great and turn a great soup into a masterpiece.

January is National Soup Month (yeah, I didn’t know there was such a thing either). Which is a good thing, because in many parts of the country, a nice hot bowl of soup or chowder is just what you need on a cold winter day.

Herewith, a quartet of our favorite soups on the grill. Let us know which one is YOUR favorite.

Grilled Soup Recipes

Smoked Gazpacho

Smoked Gazpacho

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Grilled Corn Chowder

Grilled Corn Chowder

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Fire-Charred Tomato Soup

Fire-Charred Tomato Soup Recipe

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Check out our 1000+ Recipes section here on Barbecue Bible.Com

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